Monday, October 27, 2008

1st Post..

This is my 1st attempt to write something in my new blog. It's really weird yet ridiculous. But all I want to do now is to share ideas and jotting something in my new 'born' blog. I hope this blog will meant to those who visit my blog. The reason and purpose I write this blog is to ease my English and share my thoughts with the world. WYSIWYG -What You See Is What You Get. I hope you'll gain something after visiting my blog. Enjoy the present to its fullest.Cheers 2 all.


Haji Mazlan Muslim said...

Starting one's blogger is the step in the right direction. Writing one's thought on paper or in this case on the PC will focus one's thought & enable him to see things in the right perspective. Its always good to think towards the big picture - sometimes referred to as think outside the box. In other words don't only think within one's specialty - say if you're in IT then think about other issues as well, e.g. politics, economics, management, social, latest topics, etc. One can also think about Islamic aspects e.g. sufism, fiqh, tafsir, etc. Knowledge that can be shared are very wide & the spectrum is infinite. Wassalaam.
Best regards,
Ayah, mama & famili di Sitiawan, Perak Darul Ridhuan