Sunday, January 24, 2010

Motivation in Point of View

Every people in this world need motivation to build up self esteem and confidence.Although we have to go through vicissitude in life, we have to face the challenge and always ready for it. Credit to bro Wardi, my supervisor, 4 giving such a solid and complete guidance and motivation to me especially regarding work force.I want to share with u all and I hope it will give you at least 'as starter' to change and improvement in our life.Cheers..

1.Meeting Dateline..Completing Task given...
2.Make yourself differ from others...
3.You should learn it also...learn it from now....think about your
4.What u do now will determine the result that will come in the future...
5.Putting more effort....dont let others talking bad thing about ourself...
6.Make your work place as enjoyable place to work...
2.Set target...really clear target...and go for it...
3.Ask when you lost/not really sure...ask until u are really sure...
4.Try to finish as much as u can....jgn tangguh2 kan keje...
5.Nawaitu mesti bersih....
6.Mesti minat dlm kerja yg dibuat...sebab tu akan drive ur will n
7.Jangan kedekut ilmu yg ada...itulah caranya utk polish n solidkan lagi
knowledge yg ada dlm diri kita...lagi byk kita ajar org..lagi pandai
kita dlm ilmu tue...
8.Kene set direction...what u want to be the next 2,3,... years ahead....
kene tanya diri kita sendiri....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don't be sad..^_^

This is some 'point' that I get when I read the Arabic book in English translation language, Dont be Sad or La Tahzan.Here I want to share with u all, my dear reader.Also I want to mention that this point can be 'to do list' in ur continuous life.

1. Rejoice and be happy; remain positive and peace
2. Live life as it should be lived-wholesomely, happily and productively
3. You should be trust your talents,that you should develop them,that you should forget the troubles and vicissitudes of life,while concentrating on the positive and on the destination that a positive attitude leads to.