Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Al-Quran dalam bentuk Microsoft Excel


Terjemahan Al quran dalam bentuk excel ni amat mudah dan sangat berguna.
Besar pahala orang yang membuatnya. Just pick topic2 yang berkenaan dan straight pergi ke ayat itu. Contoh utk Banking, straight pergi topic Muamalat utk search ayat2 yg di kehendaki...

Minta disebarkan kepada semua muslim/muslimah untuk kita sama-sama mendapat

Ade 2 file:Download attachment

Monday, March 30, 2009

USM Konvokesyen ke-39...gue konvo akhirnye...25.3.09

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mujahatun Nafs...

After taking an oath of the sky, earth and other great signs, Allah took an oath of the nafs. "I take an oath by the nafs and the One that corrected it."
"He inspired the nafs with evil and piety."
Allah has created the ability to sin as well as to be pious in man.Man now has a choice of accepting the slavery of the nafs and preparing his way to hell or he could muster some courage, become pious and thereby become a friend of Allah.He could either become Abdur Rahman (the slave of the Merciful) or Abdus Shaytan(the slave of satan).Allah has granted man a choice to either adopt the path of piety or the path of sin. Retribution and punishment will be based on this choice.Now the question arises why Allah mentioned taqwa after mentioning sin.Normally a good thing is mentioned first.When you enter the musjid, you step in with the right foot first. You eat with the right hand.Every good thing is placed first but Allah mentioned sin first in this verse. This has a very great secret and if one comes to know this secret,one will not be grieved by the urge to sin. The urge to sin is not harmful.Fulfilling the urge is however sinful. If you do not have the urge to sin, you cannot become pious. Allah has exhorted man to curb the urge to sin. Man has to obey Allah and become His slave because Allah has created man and not the nafs. This indicates that the urge to sin is essential. That is why He is commanding us to prevent the nafs. Had there been no urge to sin, taqwa would not have existed because taqwa means to subdue the urge of the nafs to sin and to endure the grief that follows.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'll show u [Amway]

As one of the world's largest direct selling companies, Amway today is a thriving enterprise. The Amway business has grown to provide opportunities for more than three million people worldwide, marketing 450 Amway products.

It now operates in over 80 countries and territories worldwide, with an annual turnover exceeding USD $7.1 billion*. Around the world, where you find Amway, you'll also discover people who share the entrepreneurial spirit and who want to excel.
Amway is the global leader in the direct sales business sector, and the most experienced and supportive partner any aspiring entrepreneur can find.

As a testimony of Amway Malaysia's leadership and credibility in the industry, the company has many distinctions and accolades to its name:

KLSE Listing
In 1996, Amway Malaysia became the first ever direct selling company to be listed on the Main Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange.

Three Year Direct Selling License
Amway Malaysia was the first direct selling company to be awarded a three-year Direct Selling License by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA) in 1999.

Asiamoney Magazine
Amway Malaysia was recognised as one of the Top 10 Overall Best Managed Company in 2000 by Asiamoney magazine.

In 2001, Amway Malaysia was honored once again for its corporate leadership by making the top 10 list in these categories:

1. Overall Best Managed Company - ranked 7th
2. Corporate Governance - ranked 5th
3. Treatment of Minority Shareholders - ranked 3rd

Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Corporate Award

Amway Malaysia was recognised as a finalist for the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Corporate Award in 2000, 2001, 2002 & 2003.

KPMG/The Edge Shareholder Value Awards
Amway Malaysia was recognised as one of the Top 10 companies for the KPMG/The Edge Shareholder Value Awards in 2002, 2003 and 2004.

Finance Asia Magazine - Asia's Best Companies
Amway Malaysia was recognised as one of the Top 10 companies in these categories:

2004 Asia's Best Companies

1. Best Managed Company category
2. Best Corporate Governance category

2006 Best Managed Companies Poll

1. Best Commitment to Strong Dividends category

Amway Malaysia ranked 27th among 132 companies in Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe for Corporate Governance in 2003.

BrandLaureate Award
Amway Malaysia was conferred The BrandLaureate Award 2006-2007 for Branding Excellence in the Direct Selling Category.

For the second consecutive year, Amway Malaysia was conferred The BrandLaureate Award 2007-2008 for the second successive year in the category of Corporate Branding - Best Brands in Consumer - Multi Level Marketing.

Amway received the recognition after meeting The BrandLaureate's stringent selection procedures based on a 300-point judging criteria that included Brand Strategy, Brand Culture, Brand Communication, Brand Equity and Performance.

StarBiz-ICR Malaysia Corporate Responsibility Awards 2008
Amway (M) Holdings Bhd was short-listed as a finalist for the inaugural StarBiz-ICR Malaysia Corporate Responsibility Awards 2008, a joint initiative by StarBiz and the Institute of Corporate Responsibility Malaysia (ICR Malaysia).

Amway was selected as one of the top 5 public-listed companies in Malaysia for the Marketplace Award in the above RM1 billion market capitalisation category.

Kalau anda ada duit, di mana anda ingin laburkan???
Tentu jawapannya di syarikat yang teguh dan kukuh...
AMWAY sebuah syarikat yang telah berusia lebih 50 thn di dunia,
lebih 30 tahun di Malaysia, sebuah syarikat yang tiada hutang,
tapi mempunyai tunai melebihi RM200 juta dalam bank...
sekali lagi saya ingin bertanya, adakah syarikat begini tidak teguh atau kukuh???

lagi saya ingin bertanya kepada anda....


Result is in ur hand, but remember....If U dun do anything today, tomorrow will be still the same and no improvement.CELEBRATE THE PAST,LEARN FOR TODAY AND ENHANCE YOUR FUTURE!!

Boleh Emel,call,ym n SMS pn bley kepada saya untuk maklumat lanjut atau ingin menjadi ahli berkenaan bisnes ini.Bersama2 lah kte saling berganding bahu.

LIFE is about loving,serving,empowering, and encouraging people.
-Jim Dornan

Download Amway Malaysia Fact Sheet
email: hanifmazlan@gmail.com
ym: crawling_phoenix@yahoo.com
Tel : 017-5922575